Resource #3: Creative Writing Model Answer

The Assassin

The figure walked confidently towards his destination. The black leather of his outfit squeaking and squelching with the friction of movement. Squelch. The sound resonated in the valleys surrounding him. He has come this far from civilisation for one thing, and he wished to complete his task quickly and quietly, with minimal fuss. That was his way. And he only did things, his way. That was a non-negotiable part of the deal – his clients could whine and moan all they liked, he didn’t listen. As he reached a brow of the hill he started to lay down his baggage. A long, slim camouflaged rifle bag, a steel bow with a matte sheen and several arrows marked with a crude hazardous logo. He settled himself with his back to the cabin in the distance and unpacked a brown paper bag containing a chicken salad sandwich, a apple and chocolate chip cookie. He turned on his iPhone and put in one earphone. He enjoyed listening to Swan Lake when eating lunch.

Wind whipped around his ears, fighting with the unkempt strands of hair around his brow and neck. It didn’t bother him though, having grown up in a myriad of exotic locations, weather had very little effect on his stony exterior. He chewed his sandwich slowly, savouring the bites, like some sort of ritual. His eyes cast back and forth across the barren landscape, up to the grey sky with stormy clouds whizzing overhead. He kept focussing in on the target. A small, but comfortable log cabin, approximately 40 clicks away. A dirt track snaked towards it from a unseen starting point with tufts of grass forcing their way through the centre hump between the dents in the ground made by the tyres that traveled this lonely road.

As he moved on, carefully, to his apple, using an army spec hunting knife to peel the skin on in one long curl, he heard a noise. He froze instinctively. Ear pricked like a dog listening for the rattle of the food bowl. He sat poised, eyes focussed and apple all but forgotten in his left hard. Knife gripped for dear life. Slowly a beat up marigold yellow Jeep came into view. He relaxed. Crunching methodically on his apple. He still had time. Crunch. Crunch.

The Jeep continued to travel slowly up the dirt track scattered with the occasional tuft of green. It was a truly desolate place, the grey skies tinted everything miserable. In the marigold yellow Jeep sat a young man. Attractive, in the geeky way that was now so popular. Chunk black glasses settled on his slightly bigger than average nose. A trace of hair around the edge of his face the kind that men have when they haven’t quite mastered the skill of growing a beard. His fingers tapped in time to the upbeat music on the radio. He pulled up to the front of the cabin and got ready to get out, grabbing his few possession from the passenger seat beside him.

Ring ring. Ring ring.

He paused, looked at the screen and went to answer the phone. Upon the hill 40 clicks away a series of noises happened in quick succession. Ziiip. Snap, Click, click, click. The tripod of the rifle almost sighed in content as its feet touch the soft soil of the ground. The figure clad in black leather carefully look through the sight to establish a hold on his victim. He trained the rifle until he felt sure he could complete the job with success and minimal complications. He also took up the bow and had an arrow at the ready. A radio in his back pocket crackled with static.

“…No, no it’s cool man, I’m alone, no one followed me.” The young man with the chunky black glasses assured the person on the other end of the phone in his car. He hung up and surveyed the contents of a red backpack which was half open on the passenger seat. Sticking out was a basic looking gun with and several clips of ammo. He had an open multipack of power bars and several cans of caffeine filled drinks in cans. The bag crunched as he zipped it up, holding the excuse of a weapon in his left hand. His hand felt for the door handle on the door of Jeep and he check the rear view mirror one last time. With a puff of breath, he opened it, stepped out quickly, cast a furtive glance about and began the short walk to the cabin door.

Several things happen in a short space of time. The leather clad figure fired 3 arrows in quick succession all of which found their targets silently. The three exposed wheels of the Jeep. The air hissed silently as each particle raced to be free from it’s black rubber prison. He dropped the bow and lay down, his hands curled around his semi-automatic weapon. The young man with the larger than average nose was fumbling in his pocket for keys.

The radio crackled again. “Black Panther do you receive? Over.” The hair on the gunman’s neck bristled, and he reached to reply. “This is Black Panther. We are go, repeat, we are go. Target immobilised, attack go head. Over.” He returned to his comfortable position on the ground, eyes trained on his target who was now kneeling searching through his cheap looking red backpack for the right key. The gunman smiled. This was going to feel so good.

Through the sight of the rifle he could see his comrade slowly and silently filtering out of their camouflaged hiding places. There was no way they could lose. There was nowhere for him to run or hide. The poor lamb didn’t stand a chance. There were no keys to the cabin.

“This a GO order, I repeat a GO order. All units fire.”

Splat. Splatsplat. Splashes of red flew around the target, on his clothes, the veranda of the cabin, the log walls. “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” He screamed, very much a like prepubescent girl. The gunman smiled as his teammates cheered. This year, victory had been theirs. He packed up and walked back towards the was he came. Munching merrily on his cookie as he swaggered into the distance. The big black army grade boot caught a flyer that was blowing around. His University ID swinging around his neck as he looked down at the tattered paper. Paintball Contest. Prize: Free drinks at the SU bar for a month. He smiled again, triumphant.

Resource #1: Good, Great, Fantastic…

Tiered outcomes are nothing new, most schools that I have worked in have used it in some form or another. These levelled outcomes usually take the form of either Must/Should/Could or All/Most/Some. They are ideal for differentiating by outcome.

However, there are some fatal flaws in these specific wordings. Lazy students will only ever strive to complete the basic Must/All. Could/Some creates a ceiling for those students with low self esteem, who don’t believe they can reach for the stars.

I was introduced to the Good/Great/Awesome techniques in some TEEP training in November last year. I immediately placed it in my “to-do right away” pile. As an intrinsically positive person, and teacher, who always strives to build students’ self esteem and promote the growth mindset in all who pass through my classroom; I found the idea of offering 3 levels of positivity much more appealing that the previous wording.

I implemented this strategy quickly and personally added in an overarching learning objective, so students could see each stage of G/G/F as building blocks. I coloured coded them, as is common, and occasionally colour coordinate to grades or tasks.

I found these words helps maintain students positive attitudes and embedded this positivity for learning in their lesson. It also helped intrinsically motivate them to strive to do better and reach that “Fantastic”. After all, who doesn’t want to be fantastic?

Review: 100 Things Awesome Teachers Do

10o Things Awesome Teachers Do – William Emeny (@Maths_Master) Blog

“This book is more about getting excellent learning happening in your classroom day in, day out. The book is full of tried-and-tested ideas that teachers have learned both from academic research and The University of Life and Experience.”

 10 usefully titled sections such as “lesson planning, motivation, learning environment…etc” with each containing 10 ideas that are tried and tested by the author.

This book has been written with the best intentions, to provide real, applicable help to busy teachers which they can apply in the classroom the next day. Emeny himself, admits there are two ways of approaching the book, dipping in and out; or reading like a novel. I chose a mixture of both, skimming the book and dog-earing pages of use, which I returned to later. 

This book, according to Emeny, was written for when teachers feel stale and boring. I understand this is a common affliction in our profession – where it is all too easy to use the same bank of activities again and again… He advocates using the book for those occasions, promising that it will provide a new idea to try when your lessons need some jazzing up.

Emeny is clear about using the book to promote a culture of “outstanding teaching” which will remain valid throughout the inevitable changes of Ofsted criteria. His enthusiasm  for the profession is evident, and he clearly aims to be the best he can be as a teacher and wants this for others which is admirable.

In terms of value, this book has some good ideas. However, it is not reinventing the wheel, most of the ideas are ones I certainly heard of before, and I actually took very few of the 100 ideas from the book to my classroom. This is not a criticism as such, merely an observation, that I am keen to seek out new ideas and try them out. If I have come across this book a year ago, I suspect many of the ideas would have been new to me. 

I have included some of the ideas I found particularly inspiring below, with page references. Obviously for copyright reasons I cannot publish all the details below, but you can buy the book here in both paperback and digital versions. 

Idea 36, pp.58-9 – Mark backwards – this is pure genius! I have implemented this straight away.

Idea 65, p.91- Independent Learned Graffiti Wall – I LOVE this idea and have altered it to become a collaborative graffiti wall display where students volunteer a member of their table to contribute to the wall as a plenary or review task.

Idea 91, pp.126-9 – Relearning – The Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve – this theory was brand new to me, and really made me think about how I approach teaching and revisiting topics.

These are just a few of the ideas I have started using in my classroom, and I am grateful to Emeny  for providing them in a such a neat little accessible package. However I do wish there were more of the groundbreaking ideas, and less of the same teaching ideas dressed up slightly differently as I suspect I personally won’t come back to book time and time again as the author intended.

Rating: ****



Introducing Mrs Lester…

As I sit here, on a Friday evening that marks the exact halfway point through this half term; I wonder whether colleagues will even have the time or energy to explore this little world of teaching and learning I hope to create. Then I consider the benefit that this blog will hopefully provide and I remain positive in my faith of my co-teachers.

I have been extremely lucky to fall into an excellent crowd of people in the twitter-sphere (@keeponteeping), so much so, that after a mere few months on Twitter, and less than a year as a regular contributor to resources on TES (mrshannahlester), I was approached by the organiser of the Practical Pedagogies Conference and asked to submit a proposal for a workshop.It occurred to me that I wanted to share my ideas and insights as widely as possible – the TES alongside Twitter’s 140 characters just weren’t enough space!

I am an enthusiastic teacher, trained in Art and Design but converted to English after my NQT year. I have taught in a special behaviour centre, and now happily teach away my days in a mainstream school in Shropshire.  I teach both KS3 & KS4 English and Art (roughly a 90:10 split) and have a passion for T&L that have been ignited by a wonderful mentor, Teaching and Learning Lead and Deputy Head in my current school.

Through some amazing CPD opportunities including TEEP training and OSIRIS courses; I have embraced new ways of teaching, and encouraged new ways to learn through a myriad of techniques and behaviours. I have also thrown myself into the twitter-sphere and am delighted to have come across fantastic people such as Te@cher Toolkit and Tips4Teaching. I also actively seek out T&L books to help improve and hone my craft. With this blog, I (and sometimes my NQT Colleague Dave @DaveHBeddows and TES davehbeddows) hope to record and share a slice of the T&L magic we are trying to create on a daily basis. I am also currently organising a TeachMeet for my school and Primary partners. More details to follow.

Therefore the plan is this: 4 posts a month each with a different focus. I intend to, for now, focus on the following 4 topics each month – a review of a T&L a focussed book or blog, a musing on a larger T&L related topic or CPD I have attended or organised, a practical activity that can be applied the next day and finally a slice of NQT/RQT experience of school life.

I hope you both enjoy and benefit from this little T&L world.

-Mrs Lester

N.B – these views are purely my own, they do not represent any school I currently or have ever worked for. Where possible, when I mention another source I shall direct you to their website and/or other platforms. All information is correct at the time of posting.